Results of New ERTC Pandemic Relief Fund Program Tax Credit Application…

Results of New ERTC Pandemic Relief Fund Program Tax Credit Application…


Evolved ERC, a team dedicated to helping small businesses maximize their pandemic relief efforts, has an updated application process to help businesses across America claim their ERTC rebates from the IRS.

For more information about Evolved ERC and their ERTC application, visit

Since the CARES Act was passed in 2020, the federal government has made refundable tax credits available to small businesses through the Employee Retention Credit Program. Evolved ERC has a team of dedicated and licensed CPAs who specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses collect their pandemic funds before the ERTC funds run out.

The improved Evolved ERC application process is designed to minimize the hassle for business owners while maximizing their rebates. While similar services are offered by several pop-up accounting firms, for new cases, Evolved ERC only works with certified accountants who are willing to assist their clients with an audit.

As a success-oriented service, customers will never be billed for the new ERTC application program unless they qualify for it and then receive a discount. There are no upfront fees, hidden fees or deposits.

Evolved ERC also offers a new service, not offered by other companies, that allows employers to reward their employees for free. Using a small portion of their own fees, Evolved ERC provides employers with pre-funded cards to give to their employees to make donations to registered charities.

One of the recent clients of Evolved ERC, an HVAC services company with just 24 W-2 employees, recently qualified for $536,000 in non-loan tax credits that never have to be repaid.

The company is also known for supporting non-profit organizations with their updated application program. A new nonprofit client who had already received paycheck protection…


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