New book by Martha DuSage takes readers through a transformative…

New book by Martha DuSage takes readers through a transformative…


Martha DuSage’s “Beyond Abuse: An Empowered Journey of Soul, Science & Self-Help” provides a roadmap for people who need to heal from past hurts and move away from the limiting feelings and beliefs they have been holding onto

Abuse, harassment, exploitation and other traumatic experiences adversely affect people and leave them in a constant state of fear and apprehension. The aftermath of these experiences can manifest in many ways, including physical pain or illness, mental health issues like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse problems, relationship problems, and more. Survivors of these experiences have a cynical view of life, having lost touch with the joy and peace that life can bring. To help these people take control of their lives and fully heal from their experiences, Martha DuSage has released her new book entitled “Beyond Abuse: An Empowered Journey of the Soul, Science, and Self-Help.

The book presents a treasure map to help readers overcome hurt, become more self-aware, find peace, and fully heal from harmful experiences. Martha DuSage has had similar experiences, walking the path to complete healing, and encourages readers to embark on the journey of self-healing that involves being pissed off, numb, denied, or overly sensitive to finding peace and passion . Based on author Martha’s personal experience, Beyond Abuse describes how she has found peace with the hurts of her past while giving readers practical steps to follow.

“It’s more painful to spend a lifetime burying the past than to face your fears and break free from the agony,” said Martha DuSage. “Working through the wounds of the past can be overwhelming. One moment you feel like you have it and the next moment you feel like you’ve lost it. It is unhealthy to accept fear or remain in survival mode instead of pushing yourself towards transformative change….


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