Local realtor discusses quality of life in West Bend town…

Local realtor discusses quality of life in West Bend town…


Local resident and real estate agent Jay Menger had an amazing opportunity to speak with City of West Bend Mayor Chris Jenkins. Jay and Mayor Jenkins discuss the quality of life in the great city of West Bend. Mayor Jenkins talks about what he’s done to improve the city since taking office.

08/21/2022 / PRZen / WEST BEND, Wisconsin — In this brief interview, Mayor Jenkins talks about what the city of West Bend was like before he became mayor, how he’s improved the quality of life since his election in 2019, and how his administration plans to attract more economic development and Residents to the city and why people should move to the city City of West Bend.

Before taking office as mayor, Mayor Jenkins had the opportunity to serve three terms on the city council, served as president of the city’s library committee for three years, and served one term as district board overseer. During this time, Mayor Jenkins served under the administration of former Mayor Kraig Sadownikow. Mayor Jenkins stated that the previous administration did a great job in putting the city’s control ship in order, thereby streamlining the city’s departments. Before Sadovnikov’s government, the city had a major debt and funding problem. Mayor Jenkins stated, “I have been fortunate to have inherited a very strong and solid organization that was on the right financial footing.”

When Mayor Jenkins was elected, his administration went through a strategic planning process that created a new mission and vision to govern the city and four key strategic priorities. These strategic priorities are public safety, economic development, infrastructure and quality of life. All of this is ranked by importance and equates to a better quality of life for West Bend residents.

West Bend has prioritized public safety by providing both the Fire and Police Departments with adequate means and resources. Mayor Jenkins declared that “public safety is of paramount importance”….


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