Marijuana legalization change gets another hit, Missouri…

Marijuana legalization change gets another hit, Missouri…


change 3, an electoral measure Legalize the cultivation, processing, and sale of marijuana to adults 21 and older in Missouri is attacked again. This time the resistance comes from the state prosecutors who called the measure “no more than thirty pages of nonsense”.

The Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys criticized the proposed constitutional amendment, supported by Legal Missouri 2022, across multiple accounts in a position paper released Thursday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

The paper touched the problem of inability to driveand claimed that the measure does not allow courts to stop the use of marijuana in the case of people accused or convicted of killing someone while driving under the influence of cannabis.

In addition, the prosecutors were also not too fond of the civil penalties for cannabis offenses that are part of the amendment.

“Amendment 3 does not protect our children from black market marijuana dealers,” they said, adding that a “dealer can give or sell to middle school students and only face a $100 civil penalty.”

The document too expressed concerns about the health effects of marijuana while emphasizing that legalization should be a part of the Missouri Constitution.

However, john payne, Legal Missouri 2022’s campaign manager said in an emailed statement that the measure aims to establish a “thorough regulatory system” under which public health and safety would be protected “far better than our current illegal and unregulated system.”

He also said that driving under the influence of cannabis and its sale outside of the regulatory system will be considered illegal under the amendment.


Secretary of State of Missouri Jay Ashcroft certified the initiative Expand its current medical marijuana business program by allowing existing licensees to serve both medical and non-medical buyers Last month.

However, Joy Sweeneya local anti-legalization activist supported by the Colorado-based Protect Our Kids PAC, filed a lawsuit…


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