VR for real-time marijuana impairment testing? Gaize launches its AI…

VR for real-time marijuana impairment testing? Gaize launches its AI…


Gaize launchedit their real-time impairment screening device. The product is a novelty fully automated, non-invasive and portable eye movement test. It combines the tried and tested Drug detection expert (DRE) eye exams with the latest artificial intelligence. Eye testing for drug detection is widely considered the gold standard for detecting impairments, with more than 40 years of successful use, many scientific studies of its effectiveness, and judicial recognition in all 50 states.

Gaize runs the same tests exactly as per the DRE training manual using a VR headset with embedded eye-tracking sensors. The resulting data is then analyzed by machine learning models to discover involuntary eye movement changes that correlate with impairment. This product launch follows a recently completed clinical study of the Gaize product, which was the largest ever to study cannabis impairments in the world.

Ken Fichtler, Founder and CEO of Gaize, stated, “I founded Gaize to solve the problem of cannabis-impaired drivers and workers. THC behaves significantly differently in the body than alcohol and can remain in the body for over a month since it was last consumed. A level of THC in the body has never been shown to produce a predictable level of impairment, so simply measuring THC is not indicative of impairment. Especially in places where cannabis is legal, what really interests us is whether someone is affected or not, not whether they have used cannabis before.”

The results of the test are easy to interpret and each test is also supported by video evidence of eye movement. On this basis, Gaize customers can easily and safely make justifiable decisions. Results are delivered in just 6 minutes after the test begins, allowing for much more frequent impairment screening.

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