Elon Musk asks friends why they don’t have kids, their answers…

Elon Musk asks friends why they don’t have kids, their answers…


Tesla Inc TSLA CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter in June 2022 to share his thoughts on the fact that many of his friends don’t have children.

He shared a clip of the 2006 sci-fi comedy Idiocracy and asked his followers to watch the opening scene. He then compared the film’s introduction to his friends who don’t have children.

Last week, Musk called population collapse and how it may pose the greatest risk to the future of civilization.

Musk said the U.S. birth rate has been below the sustainable minimum for about five decades.

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He also commented in his old May 24 post, which showed a chart showing the country is below a sustainable level of 2.1.

“Contrary to what many think, the richer someone is, the fewer children they have. I’m a rare exception. Most people I know have zero or one child,” Musk wrote on Twitter.

In early April 2022, he took to Twitter and divided his take on how the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lower-than-expected “baby boom” birth rate because people have been forced to stay indoors.

Photo: Created with images by Heisenberg Media And Philip Kromer on Flickr

Originally published June 18, 2022.


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