Happiness begins with asking yourself 1 simple question: If your…

Happiness begins with asking yourself 1 simple question: If your…


This story is part of a new feature series on success, Gasoline Inspire.

Happiness is a fundamental right in the Declaration of Independence, but it is often sidelined when we deal with various challenges in our daily lives.

If you take a moment to stop and ask yourself one simple question, you might be able to put your everyday life on a path what makes you happy.

See also: Warren Buffett There is only one measure of success, without it “life is a disaster”

What you should know: Accordingly incthe one question you should ask yourself is: “Am I doing the work I want to do?”

This simple question can help you highlight what really matters most. We are all driven by different things. Some of us need to achieve our goals, others need to pursue our passions and do the things that bring us joy. Many of us feel the need to maintain meaningful relationships, help others, and make the world around us even better.

Being happy begins with focusing on the things that are important to you and is sustained by making sacrifices to prioritize your own happiness.

“Another way of phrasing this big question is, ‘If I were to die tomorrow, would I want to do what I’m doing today?’” says the report.

If the answer is no, you should probably find a way to do it change your behavior. Although it can seem scary and many are afraid to admit they are on the wrong track, it is the right thing to do for your own well-being.

“With work dominating most of your waking hours, happiness is knowing you have chosen the right path for the journey; it’s the way of knowing that what you’re doing matters,” suggests Inc.

To experience long-term happiness, people need to feel like their daily endeavors matter, according to a study published in Harvard Business Review.

Purpose at work can improve overall happiness as well as increase productivity. In the end, there might be some things you wish you had done…


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