HEPA filters have become a popular choice for many people and businesses looking to improve indoor air quality. These filters have a higher percentage of small pollutants trapped than other types of air filters. But how exactly do HEPA filters work?
HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air and is a mechanical air filter. Unlike MERV or MERV-A filters, HEPA filters physically capture particulate matter through their three-dimensional structure of ultrafine fibers. HEPA filters do not require ionization or UV lamps to capture particles.
There are three global test standards for classifying HEPA filters. A standard uses 0.3 micron particles and the minimum removal efficiency to be considered a HEPA filter is 99.97%. The other two standards rely on MPPS (Most Penetrating Particle Size) to classify HEPA filters and these standards start at 99.95% capture efficiency at MPPS.
HEPA filters are highly effective at trapping particles such as dust, pollen, pet dander, viruses and bacteria. They are commonly used in medical buildings, laboratories and other environments where air quality is critical.
Timely replacement of your HEPA filter is important to ensure maximum efficiency. Over time, HEPA filters can become clogged, reducing airflow through the filter. You can ensure that your indoor air quality stays high and that you breathe clean, healthy air by carefully following the manufacturer’s filter replacement recommendations. .
The most important step in selecting a HEPA filter for an existing system or individual HEPA filter room air purifier is to ensure that it has been tested, certified and labeled as a true HEPA filter.
Turn to Camfil’s air filtration experts to learn more about HEPA filtration and get advice on choosing the type of filter that suits your needs.
Source: HEPA Filters Explained – How do HEPA filters work?
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Lynne Lake
Camfil USA air filter
T: 888.599.6620
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