A check signed by Steve Jobs for $175 is up for auction. Here is the…

A check signed by Steve Jobs for $175 is up for auction. Here is the…


1976, apple inc AAPL co-founder Steve Jobs signed a $175 contract payable to consulting firm Crampton, Remke & Miller. And now this check is available, thanks RR auction.

The check was auctioned on April 17, and the bidding closes next week. While the current bid is $21,962, the next available bid is a whopping $24,000. To date, there have been 15 bids for the check.

“It’s a remarkable, flawless check from the days when Steve Jobs hired Apple’s early consulting firms – a pivotal moment in the history of the most innovative and influential companies,” said Bobby Livingston, executive vice president at RR Auction. said Gizmodo in an email.

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A picture of the check shows the company’s first address in Palo Alto.

The auction house previously sold a letter signed by Jobs and a prototype Apple 1 computer. The mid-1970s computer cost $677,000 in August 2022. reports CNBC.

In February, a first-generation iPhone was sold a staggering $63,356 after 27 bids at auction. Bids for the iPhone had started at $2,500. For comparison: The current price of a 2023 Tesla Model Y performance SUV retails for $58,990.

jobs introduced the iPhone on January 9, 2007 at MacWorld, a trade show in San Francisco. Five months later, it went on sale with a starting price of $499.

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Photo: Shutterstock


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