A magical story about how a computer game changed lives, written by…

A magical story about how a computer game changed lives, written by…


Our team is excited to share the amazing result of our collaboration with the world Social Solitaire Community for the release of our first book, The Power of Solitaire Social: Stories of Impact, written by AI! We can harness the power of artificial intelligence and model human intelligence in machines, allowing us to write this book based on the true stories of our participants. We invite everyone to celebrate this incredible achievement with us!

We can’t always enjoy the positive effects of our everyday rituals and activities, especially when they bring us moments of relaxation and fun. To celebrate how much joy such simple practices can bring to people around the world, a book has been created containing inspirational stories from all corners of the world. It documents how playing games, even if just virtual, can build powerful connections with other people and help us think about ourselves. This book is about those who have found something special through play and shows how conversation and fun can connect us – even when we are apart!

We’re excited to be collaborating with incredible members of Solitaire Social on this collection of stories! Full of wit, humor and wisdom, these life experiences show us how special this community is. We know that these stories will be a source of strength, joy and companionship for those who seek comfort in difficult times. Let’s take a moment to appreciate our amazing community and the connections we’ve made through our shared passion for the game.

It’s definitely worth taking the time to read the incredible book written by members of the Solitaire Social Community and based on their amazing experiences. You might just find yourself hooked and inspired enough to play in your own Solitaire Social world! We are so grateful for all the inspirational life stories that our Solitaire Social peers have shared with us and continue to collect….



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