Air Filtration Guidelines for Canadian Property Managers & Facilities Managers
Many different associations in Canada operate to audit and certify buildings for various purposes. One of those purposes is ensuring good indoor air quality for buildings, and this of course is part of the work of a property manager or facilities manager. In this article, various Canadian associations are identified that create frameworks for indoor air quality and air filtration best practices…
BOMA Recommendations for Improving Indoor Air Quality
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) is one of North America’s largest environment assessment and certification programs for existing buildings. BOMA has many recommendations and standards for indoor air quality (IAQ). In Canada, it has a framework for best practices called BOMA BEST Sustainable Buildings 3.0. The updated guidance features air filtration.
BOMA’s Points System
In BOMA BEST’s framework, there is a points system for property managers, facilities managers, and building owners which gauges whether they are doing their best to ensure proper air filtration and indoor air quality.
Points are awarded “if air filters maintain MERV rating-tested in accordance with ASHRAE 52.2 in efficiency.” ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers with members in more than 132 countries worldwide. One of their prime goals is to advance sustainability.
Read >> Guidelines for Air Filtration for Canadian Property Managers & Facilities Managers
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