Selling your judgment may be the best means of winning anything back at all. “Over 95% of court-awarded civil money judgments,” says judgment buyer Lou Gimbutis, “lapse without ever making a single payment.” benefit of the debtor.”
In the United States, judgments are typically spelled “judgments,” although the British spelling of “judgments” is technically correct. To sell your judgment, however you spell it, www.NCJudgements can provide you with one quick cash offer for your judgment in charlotte nc.
“Our website is designed to make selling as streamlined and easy as possible,” says Gimbutos. We can also be reached by phone, but more and more customers prefer the convenience of a Online offer for an unpaid judgment.”
Even if you haven’t received a single judgment payment and feel your debtor is impossible to collect, you can get a cash offer for your Charlotte-area judgment today. Gimbutis pays money for judgments and guarantees the highest bid for your judgment. Visit 24 hours a day and turn that worthless promissory note into cash in just a few days.
“The process couldn’t be simpler,” says Gimbbutis. “We create two one-page documents that the seller has to notarize and send back to us, and once the paperwork is in court, the seller is done with the judgment and we’re trying to collect as much as we can.”
Visit us online at to Sell your judgment today!
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