Elon Musk calls Instagram an “envy booster”; The follower asks him…

Elon Musk calls Instagram an “envy booster”; The follower asks him…


On Sunday, one of Elon Musk‘s followers tweeted a clip from Berkshire Hathawayis Vice Chairman Charlie Munger talk about envy.

Munger said in the video clip that the world is not driven by greed; it is driven by envy.

In response to the tweet, Musk said, “Instagram is an envy booster.”

@DogeDesigner joked about Musk’s statement and asked whether or not he had reached 100 followers on his Instagram page.

Another Musk supporter asked him if he could buy Facebook and shut down Instagram.

Another follower replied, saying that Dogecoin is a “fun booster.”

Also read: Musk says population collapse is more dangerous than global warming

Musk said during an interview in August called that he only has 54 followers on Instagram, and authorized that the secret Instagram account was for private purposes.

“Instagram is the next level thirst trap. I took a lot of selfies and thought, ‘Why am I doing this?’ Then it was about getting more likes and taking selfies,” Musk said.

Photo: Created with images by TED conference on flickr


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