Just Hours after the accounts of several well-known journalists were blocked violate twitters new doxxing rules, Elon Musk posted a poll asking him if he should reverse his step.
What happened: Late Thursday, Musk posted a Twitter poll asking if he should “unblock accounts” that doxxed his exact location in real-time.
According to the final result, 43% of people voted for the accounts to be restored immediately, while just over 38% voted for a longer suspension.
Musk clarified that the current suspension would last for seven days.
See also: Elon Musk says Twitter will soon ‘remove all old blue cheques’: ‘corrupt and nonsensical’
The billionaire entrepreneur later repeated the poll with just two options. It received more than 226,000 votes as of 11:50 p.m. ET, with more than half saying the suspensions should be lifted immediately.
Why it matters: Musk-led Twitter on Thursday competitor platform account suspended Mastodon after apparently promoting a link to an account tracking his private jet.
The new doxxing rules were enforced after Musk’s son X’s vehicle was being followed by a “mad stalker”. who jumped on the hood of the car.
Continue reading: Twitter plans to let you search lists of people you follow and your followers…so you can better track your “enemies”?
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