Former Trump attorney calls him ‘deeply wounded narcissist’ and sees clear…

Former Trump attorney calls him ‘deeply wounded narcissist’ and sees clear…


A former White House official accused Donald Trump’s Personality trait as the reason for his unwillingness to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election was reported in September 2022.

Trump is a “deeply wounded narcissist” unable to act for anything other than self-interest, Ty Cobbthe ex-president’s White House counsel, said on The Takeout podcast, hosted by CBS’ Washington correspondent Major Garrett.

He responded to the host’s question as to whether Trump’s refusal to admit defeat in the 2020 election was due to a character flaw.

“In my personal opinion, it’s less of a character issue and more of a personality flaw,” he replied.

Cobb also said Trump’s three hours of inactivity and his support for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot could be reasons preventing him from seeking re-election. This violates Article III of the Constitution, and a joint statement from both houses of Congress could prevent Trump from “taking back the White House,” he added.

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Cobb also criticized that Trump denied losing to the president Joe Biden after the 2020 election and also his pressure on the Vice President at the time Mike Pence for non-certification of voter lists from individual states.

“I think it was criminal to interfere with what the vice president was obligated to do, in a very aggressive effort to persuade him not to confirm the election and turn back certain voters, I think that was criminal,” he said.

Cobb agreed with the views of many legal experts and said there was a “very high” chance Trump would be indicted by the Justice Department. The former president now lies under the DoJ scanner over thousands of documents. including top secret, recovered from his residence in Mar-a-Lago.

This story was originally published on September 10, 2022.

Photo: Courtesy of John Mathew…


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