Washington, DC, January 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — press release
Association for the Preservation of Women’s Sport: Global Start
of the International Consortium for Women’s Sport
The new International Consortium for Women’s Sports (ICFS) was launched globally and debuted on January 9, 2023 as the pre-eminent international lobby group working to preserve the female sport category worldwide. This comes at a time when more and more international sporting bodies, including the International Olympic Committee (IOC), are opening up women’s sport to male competitors.
“Fifty percent of the world’s population deserves fair representation when decisions need to be made about their sport category,” says Dr. Linda Blade, co-founder of the Consortium and representative of the Canadian Women’s Sex-Based Rights (caWsbar). “The founding of the ICFS is absolutely critical to the preservation of women’s sport,” she says.
dr Blade, a former Canadian track and field champion and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) All American, has trained hundreds of athletes in 15 sports for over 25 years as a sports performance professional in Edmonton, Alberta. She is among the ICFS founding members, drawn from sports federations in seven countries: USA, UK, Spain, France, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. More recently, groups from Italy, Mexico and Central America have also registered.
All ICFS members agree in the belief that sports federations must comply with the fundamental principles of safety, privacy and fairness, as well as international laws that prohibit sex discrimination against biological women. “While most legal prohibitions against sex discrimination require assimilation and inclusion, sport requires gender segregation for safety and fairness for female athletes — this is not a new concept,” said ICFS member Nancy Hogshead-Makar, three-time Olympic swimming champion, attorney , and CEO of champions.
ICFS is a bipartisan, unilateral…
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