Jack Dorsey wants the CIA, NSA and FBI shattered into “a thousand pieces”.

Jack Dorsey wants the CIA, NSA and FBI shattered into “a thousand pieces”.


Jack DorseyCo-founder and former CEO of Twitterappears to have expressed a desire to disband and disband three prominent intelligence agencies — the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

What happened: In a tweet, Dorsey wrote, “Splinter the CIA, NSA and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds.”

See also: Jack Dorsey urges students chasing Elon Musk’s jet to keep posting on Bluesky: “Keep On Keepin’ On”

While the broader context surrounding Dorsey’s testimony is open to interpretation, it likely suggests a strong stance toward these agencies.

Along with the tweet, Dorsey also shared one shortcut To John F KennedyThe official portrait of the President of the White House. The inclusion of this historical reference may have alluded to Kennedy’s own criticism of the intelligence community during his presidency.

This is said to have happened after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961, which proved to be a disillusioning experience for Kennedy as he felt betrayed by the CIA called that he would “crack the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.”

Twitter CEO Elon Musk was among those who responded to Dorsey’s tweet. Musk just responded with an exclamation.

Wikileaks also used the quote as a password in 2017 to decrypt its latest publication on CIA spy tools.

Last month, Dorsey, who once said he was glad Musk joins the Twitter forumHe criticized his Management of the social media company.

Not the only one: US whistleblower Edward Snowdenwho revealed details of the NSA’s mass surveillance while working as a contractor, has criticized his former organization for its surveillance practices, calling them an invasion of privacy.

In 2013, he disclosed secret documents and revealed extensive surveillance programs that included the mass collection of phone records and internet communications. Snowden argues that these activities…


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