Larry Summers says GOP lawmakers’ waiver of debt limit negotiations…

Larry Summers says GOP lawmakers’ waiver of debt limit negotiations…


The stalemate on the debt ceiling continues Republican lawmakers left the discussion table on Friday only to join again in the evening. president Joe Biden and Minister of Finance Janet Yellen have warned of dire consequences if there is no debt settlement.

Against the background of the former Minister of Finance Larry Summers participated in the dispute between the Republican and Democratic parties.

What happened: “I wish it hadn’t happened, but I’m not surprised,” Summers said called in an interview with CNN and referred to the temporary pause in the conversation.

“There’s always an attitude in these conversations, and leaving … is kind of an attitude,” he said.

For both sides of the aisle, there seems to be a need to feel like they’ve negotiated as hard as possible, and for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif) it’s all the more important, Summers said. This is due in particular to the “fanatics” that exist in some parts of the group, he said.

“So probably part of the plan is to abandon the negotiations at least once as leverage and excitement,” he said.

Summers added that it was in everyone’s mutual interest — and more importantly, in the country’s massive interest — to reach an agreement that would not require any kind of experimentation on what a default might look like.

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14th Change is not a viable solution: Summers suggested that too Biden cites the 14thth The change, that allows the country to continue paying off debt without congressional approval is not a viable solution.

“The vast majority of legal opinion is that this would be a highly problematic path,” said the former finance minister. People also know it can be challenged in court, he said.

“I think under those circumstances everything about the finances of the United States would come under control. So I don’t think that would be the right tactic,” Summers said, noting that the impasse on the debt ceiling should be resolved…


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