New bipartisan law passed by Congress to make federal marijuana…

New bipartisan law passed by Congress to make federal marijuana…


Congressmen Troy A. Carter, Sr. (D-LA) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) introduced bipartisan legislation on Friday that would create a mechanism for eradicating federal marijuana offenses amid a fresh push for federal decriminalization.

“I’m proud to introduce The Marijuana Misdemeanor Expungement Actbipartisan legislation that will restore justice to millions of Americans who have suffered undue collateral consequences related to marijuana-related offenses,” he said Congressman Carter in a press release. “These offenses – even without a conviction – can lead to restrictions on access to parental assistance, housing benefits, work permits and even foster parenting. Bringing justice to our citizens affected by marijuana-related offenses is a key component of comprehensive cannabis reform.”

Illinois Congressman Davis added, “Given the number of states, such as Illinois, that have long legalized marijuana for adult use, we need to ensure our criminal justice system keeps up so that individuals with minor offenses related to its use are not prosecuted.” find work and participate in society.”

Cannabis reform advocates agree

supporters of cannabis reform, including Weldon Angelos, Founder and President of the Weldon Project, Roz McCarthy, Founder and CEO of Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana and dr Chanda Macias, The CEO of the National Holistic Healing Center shared his support for the legislation.

“For far too long, millions of Americans have faced the lifelong consequences of having marijuana-related convictions on their record simply for possessing a small amount of cannabis,” said Angelos, who described the bill as life-changing for so many people and their families .

McCarthy called the bill landmark legislation that will enable thousands of Americans to move forward with their lives and reach their full potential…


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