- Topline results from ffirst crucial phase 3 glaucoma clinical study on NCX470mont blanc, due In November 2022
- network rightevening €1.4 million to the H1 2022; cash €31.6 Millions on June 30, 2022
September 16, 2022 – Release at 7:30am BST
Sophia Antipolis, France
Nicox S.A FR COX))), an international eye care company, today reported the business and financial results of Nicox SA and its subsidiaries (the “Nicox Group”) for the first half of 2022.
“I came to Nicox because I saw the potential to the NCX 470 should be the first real successor the first prostaglandin analogue approved to lower intraocular pressure, Xalatan that I created while at Pharmacia. Ssignificant advances has been done this year with the completion of recruitment for the pivotal phase 3 Mont Blanc study for our lead compound, NCX 470, alignment glaucoma, and wWe are only weeks away from that results of First from the two Phase 3 studys. TThese dates, due in November, could provide the cornerstone to the build the future of the company,” said Andreas Segerros, CEO of Nicox. “NCX 470 has already shown a statistically significant improvement over the standard Care for lowering intraocular pressure, latanoprost, in a robust phase 2 clinical trial. We also demonstrated advantageous effects in an in vivo damage model Optic nerve head and retina. we believe the constantly Phase 3 program will demonstrate the potential of NCX 470 as a first-class glaucoma treatment, Addressing a great need in this nearly $6 billion worldwide Market, and wWe look forward to these results.“
Andrew segerros continued,”In my first few months here, I discovered a very strong one Ophthalmology oriented R&D team, which we have now completed with excellent new hires supported by an experiencedcompetently, Corporate, financial and legal organization. I am happy to have to joinedit Nicox at such an important time in the firms Story. After reviewing the portfolio I have believe we…
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