North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper says there is ‘opportunity’

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper says there is ‘opportunity’


North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) says he believes a bill legalizing medical marijuana “has a chance of getting passed” in the next legislative session. reported Marijuana moment.

In an interview with WXII 12, Cooper reiterated his support for broader decriminalization of marijuana possession, noting racial differences in enforcement.

“I think medical marijuana passed the Senate last year, and I think it has a chance,” he said. “I believe we should decriminalize small amounts of marijuana because it has been used in a discriminatory manner.”

NC legalization efforts

North Carolina Senate in June passed a medical marijuana law with bipartisan support. However, Republicans in the state’s House of Representatives chose not to legalize the measure. “I’m very confident that next year the Republicans will have a supermajority. When I say next year, I mean in six months. Then we can deal with it.” said Then-Speaker of the House Tim Moore (R). Moore is a key lawmaker who scrapped the idea of ​​enacting legalization of medical cannabis this year.

Bill 711, or NC Compassionate Care Act, co-sponsored by Senator Bill Rabon (R), would allow cannabis with higher THC levels to treat debilitating conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder, HIV, AIDS and Crohn’s disease.

Just days after This was announced by US President Joe Biden he would pardon all previous state felonies of simple possession of marijuana and urge governors to do the same, and Governor Cooper has taken steps in that direction.

cooper addressed the issue of decriminalizing marijuana and said it was time to “end the stigma”. He added that law enforcement “should focus on stopping violent crime and drug trafficking and other threats to safe communities.”

Finally a Wral News online poll showed 72% of bipartisan registered voters support…


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