Polygon Announces Launch of zkEVM Public Testnet – Matic Network…

Polygon Announces Launch of zkEVM Public Testnet – Matic Network…


Blockchain development platform polygon MATIC/USD announced on Monday the launch of its zkEVM Public Testnet, which aims for infinite scalability, strong security and a familiar look developer experience too ether ETH/USD.

The company claimed to be the first project ever to deliver a fully functional, open-source implementation of zkEVM.

DeFi platforms like Aave and Uniswap, as well as social Web3 platform Lens and gaming studio Midnight Society will be among the first protocols deployed on the zkEVM testnet to scale their decentralized apps (dapps).

Polygon zkEVM is “Ethereum Equivalent”, meaning it inherits Ethereum’s widespread and mature developer ecosystem.

All existing smart contracts, developer tools and wallets are already based on Ethereum and Polygon PoS will operate “seamlessly” while benefiting from Ethereum security and massive scalability over time, the company said.

The company further explained that the Polygon zkEVM will leverage the power of ZK-Proofs to reduce transaction costs and increase throughput, while inheriting the security of Ethereum, making it well-suited for solutions that require both speed and Requiring security, such as payments, finance and gaming.

“Today we are excited to release the Polygon zkEVM Public Testnet, the first-ever full-featured open-source zkEVM network. It was widely believed that zkEVM would still be a few years from delivery, making this an even more groundbreaking milestone, not just for Polygon, but for the entire Web3 industry,” said Polygon co-founder Mikhail Bjelic.

“We invite the entire community to try the testnet, help us test its limits, break things, and identify bugs so we can deliver the first-ever zkEVM to the world at large!”

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