Banglore, India, 10/14/2022 / SubmitMyPR /
Pupils Token, a cryptocurrency designed to bring education to everyone, announced that it will conduct its IEO in October 2022. Crypto has captured the interest of millions of people around the world, and recent numbers show it pretty clearly. Billions of dollars are traded every day, be it in the form of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, P2E games or in the form of investments. Almost every area in this space is thriving, with investors making sizable profits in a short amount of time and attracting even more investment. The crypto market is expected to reach $37 billion by 2022. That’s impressive considering the concept is fairly new and hasn’t seen mass adoption yet. If you look at the tokens traded on exchanges, most of them facilitate transactions and drive the economics of a given project. But none of this benefits society as a whole in any way, a concern voiced by many enthusiasts worldwide. The world faces problems, most of which are severe enough to cause irreparable damage to both the economy and the environment. And there is only one thing that has the potential to stop this: education!

This led to the birth of Pupils Token, a cryptocurrency designed to provide education for everyone, especially the most disadvantaged and disadvantaged sections of society, through the profits made from the crypto market. The team behind the project consists of several like-minded people who aim to change the world for the better, increase literacy rates and eliminate problems caused by illiteracy
Why is a student token required?
Education is a basic human need for people from all walks of life, from different regions, cultures and beliefs. And providing them with it is the duty of all of us. Nobody with the right resources can escape this responsibility. To make this easier for the crypto community, the developers have created the Pupils tokens that allow users to do their part, and seamlessly too.
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