CBD has become one of the hottest consumer products over the past few years. According to Statista, the consumer sales of CBD products have reached $5.3 billion since 2019.
While there are plenty of products on the market, one new product from Simple CBD is making major waves in the market with a tasty CBD-infused drink line. Their Ice Tea Lemon + Aid product is soon set to be available for both Wholesale orders and Restaurants.
What can consumers expect from this innovative new product?
SimpleCBD Ice Tea Lemon + Aid—What You Need to Know

Simple CBD’s new drink flavor uses non-GMO and organically derived CBD and is cold extracted without the use of chemicals. This process preserves the purity and potency of the CBD to ensure consumers get the best results out of every bottle.
It also contains something called Alkame oxygenated water. Alkame technology increases the oxygen levels of the water to ensure a purer, better for you drinking experience. It is an electrolyte and pH-balanced water for the best benefits possible.
One of the best benefits of this product is that it doesn’t taste like CBD. Many consumers report a dislike of CBD drinks because of the taste. Simple CBD has worked hard to eliminate the oftentimes harsh taste of CBD and balanced it with the other ingredients and flavors of its products.
Each ingredient is pure and sourced to both provide a refreshing drink and expose more people to the joy of CBD-infused products.
Benefits of Simple CBD’s Special Line of Drinks
CBD itself has shown anecdotal evidence indicating a reduction of inflammation after use. Each drink contains 25mg of CBD to maximize the benefits consumers can expect.
Additionally, Simple CBD uses only natural ingredients and is made and sourced in the USA. Their goal is to provide a simple, pure, and beneficial product that makes consuming CBD simple and safe. They believe firmly that CBD should be as accessible as a cup of coffee. Educating the public…
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