Songwriter Allison Kane uses music to combat bullying and heartache

Songwriter Allison Kane uses music to combat bullying and heartache


Allison’s latest documentary details how she uses her songwriting and singing skills to express herself through recording and producing music.

Allison mainly focused on being bullied as a child, and in her hour-long documentary, she explains what drove her to write certain songs for the latest album. Her songs explore various topics and themes, from the loss of a friend in “Ghost Me” to the anti-bullying anthem “Petty Bitch,” and are definitely full of emotion and energy. Not for the faint of heart, her style can be slightly aggressive at times, but that cements the deep passion she tries to convey through her artistry.

A hybrid of rock and hip-hop, Allison’s music style has blazed her own unique trail in this new genre. Beats and trap-style guitars are also often heard in her songs, as she alternates between spitting bars and singing melodic verses.

On tracks like “Demonstrate,” Allison shows a slightly lighter side of her music. A pop, R&B number primarily – it might draw a slightly different audience than some of the more lyrically intense, rap-infused songs. The track is more like the Mariah song featured in her documentary where Allison plays the piano!

The documentary also shows the behind-the-scenes work that goes into the overall project. For an independent artist; The shows, choreography, dancers and the effort that goes into everything is second to none – she really puts her heart and soul into everything. Additionally, the pyrotechnics and live band setup used in their live show looks equally impressive and rivals those of their major label competitors.

Your music and video journey will definitely inspire others to do the same. With mental health issues being brought to the fore more than ever, it’s important that artists like Allison continue to bring visibility to these issues. In doing so, it destigmatizes conversations about mental health and offers music enthusiasts an escape route.

It already looks like this…


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