SAN DIEGO, April 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Institute of Business & Finance (IBF) recently appointed Glenn deMarrais, AIF®, BFA™, CFS®, Director of Product Management at The Investment Center, Inc. with the first prize awarded nationally recognized designation for mutual funds, CFS® (Certified fund specialist®). This graduate-level designation is awarded to candidates who have completed a 135+ hour educational program focused on closed-end funds, mutual funds, ETFs, REITs, UITs, and modern portfolio theory. Over $12 trillion is invested in mutual funds in the United States; Half of all households own shares in at least one investment fund.
Glenn commented:
“To serve as the greatest possible resource for the Investment Center’s advisors, I am constantly striving to expand my knowledge of investment products. The course and the Certified Fund Specialist (CFS®) designation gave me the opportunity to gain a comprehensive analysis of product packages and how they relate to concepts such as modern portfolio theory, risk measurement, manager selection, etc. If the CFS training enables me to better support even one consultant with a client case, the designation program will have been time spent.”
CFS® Certification requires mastery of portfolio construction, risk measurement, manager selection, monitoring, income strategies, retirement accounts, titles, taxation, and the psychological aspects of finance. According to the IBF, “The vast majority of investors and advisors do not know how to properly select a mutual fund, understand what criteria are important, the correlation of asset classes, or what historical statistical information is a good or bad indicator of what is likely to happen in the future .”
The student must pass two comprehensive exams, complete a written case study and adhere to the IBF Code of Ethics And IBF Practice Standards and meet annual continuing education requirements. The CFS® Program, since 1988, is for…
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