The Potty Pot Debate: Can Cannabis Actually Help You Hit #2? Here is the…

The Potty Pot Debate: Can Cannabis Actually Help You Hit #2? Here is the…


From Hernan Panessi above El Planteo

Nature’s Call: How Cannabis Affects Your Bathroom Habits.

cannabis is a versatile plant that can have numerous benefits and effects. But did you know that it can even transform your bathroom habits? That’s right – cannabinoids can affect constipation and diarrhea, potentially making your condition better or worse.

“This is explained on the basis of the fact that cannabinoids, mainly exogenous, phytocannabinoids or synthetic cannabinoids, show a behavior called ‘biphasic’, indicating that depending on the doses used and the conditions inherent in the individual, like genetics and habits, the answers could be the opposite,” he says Santiago Gullino, a gastroenterologist specializing in endocannabinology and director of Conectar Med.

While cannabinoids can eliminate or aggravate pain, reduce or increase nausea, there is no ideal route of cannabis administration as it depends on the individual, the product, and the availability of equipment. Administration by inhalation offers a quick effect, while other routes such as topical or rectal administration offer a more sustained effect.

So what about smoking? Can Marijuana Make You Go Potty?

“It may be that smoking causes us to go to the toilet immediately, which is mainly related to what we call the autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, where both cannabinoids and other components can create sudden stimuli and trigger the defecation reflex ‘ explains Gullino.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is distributed throughout the body in the form of various receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids, is involved in multiple functions in the digestive tract, including gut motility, visceral sensitivity, gut permeability, microbiota, and immune system response. However, Gullino notes that the effect of cannabis on the ECS depends on the configuration of the endocannabinoid system and the individual’s cannabinoid profile.

Adequate hydration is recommended for responsible adult use,…


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