I.E.Green Tea published findings on their official website suggesting that a single serving of pre-brewed liquid of I.E. Green Tea provides more antioxidants than the similar serving size of powdered matcha green tea. The findings compared, I.E. Green Tea with matcha green tea and other popular green teas currently selling on the market. It was found that I.E. Green Tea surpassed the other tea varieties not only in the amount of antioxidants per serving, but also in other essential nutritional elements like EGCG that render considerable health benefits with regular use.

All varieties of green teas come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The difference between each type is down to the age of tea leaves at the time of harvest and the process used to dry and grind the leaves to make the tea. Matcha green tea is made by drying and grinding the whole young plant leaves of the Camellia Sinensis. I.E. Green Tea is also produced in the same manner. However, the leaves used to manufacture I.E. Green Tea are not dried, unlike matcha tea. This helps in retaining even more of the EGCG, and antioxidant levels present in the leaves naturally. As soon as the fresh tea leaves are harvested, they are roasted to enhance the flavor and then brewed using pure spring water. The whole process is carefully engineered and monitored to ensure that the maximum nutrient value in the end product is preserved.
Each batch of, I.E. Green Tea is tested to ensure that every serving contains 300 mg of catechin and 111 mg of EGCG, the main antioxidants in green tea. In comparison, a single serving of matcha green tea contains 168 mg of catechin and 98 mg of EGCG. This is still considerably higher than other average green tea brands, where the highest catechin levels are found to be just 71 mg. Nonetheless, organic green tea by I.E. green Tea is found to have almost twice as much antioxidants than matcha green tea.
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