Before the presidential elections in Turkey, Recep Tayyip ErdoganThe leader of the opposition party was attacked with stones during a rally.
What happened: This incident prompted Ekrem ImamoğluMayor of Istanbul and presidential candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections, is only to interrupt his campaign speech for a week before the last day of voting, reported Bloomberg.
The mayor blamed the attack in the city of Erzurum on President Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which manages the local municipality and police force. Imamoglu’s CHP party said about 12 people, including children, were injured in the incident.
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Erzurum Municipality brought public buses to the square where Imamoglu planned to hold his rally on Sunday. “When we arrived, it was raining stones from everywhere,” he said.
“None of the police officers moved a muscle.”
Meanwhile, other opposition leaders also raised security concerns ahead of the election. “Changes in the country come at a price. We are all willing to pay him.” Temel KaramollaogluLeader of the Felicity Party, condemned the attack as a provocation.
Why it matters: The presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey will take place on May 14th. Turkey’s incumbent president, who has ruled the country for 20 years, is facing the biggest challenge of his tenure after his popularity eroded during the cost of living crisis.
The Middle Eastern nation is struggling with this rising inflation and reels from two earthquakes that have claimed the lives of 50,000 people.
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