Victoria Sosa Discusses Redefining Senior Care Through Optimal Living ~ Prodigy Press Wire

Victoria Sosa Discusses Redefining Senior Care Through Optimal Living ~ Prodigy Press Wire



Senior living marketing expert Victoria Sosa talks about empowering elders to live their lives to the fullest in retirement communities focused on optimal living.

Listen to the full interview of Victoria Sosa with Adam Torres on the Mission Matters Business Podcast.

How did you get involved with senior living and care?

Sosa says she always wanted to help seniors in some way, dedicating herself to a portion of the population that’s often neglected or ignored. After completing her education in speech pathology, she leveraged her communication and marketing skills in the healthcare industry and started working in senior living about a decade ago. Since then, she’s been striving to challenge the stigma surrounding senior living.

Tell us about the concept of optimal living.

Recalling the original vision of The Cambridge CEO and founder, Kendall Oliver, Sosa explains that optimal living is a holistic approach to wellness care for seniors, providing spaces where people actively want to retire. It revolves around the idea that, after having worked for decades, retirement can offer opportunities to travel, relax, socialize, and learn new things; in other words, it can and should be something to look forward to and enjoy.

Optimal living goes a step beyond reactive care, too, adopting a proactive wellness approach, Sosa notes. At The Cambridge at Brier Creek, there’s a customized wellness program through which residents have access to an onsite healthcare team, including gym and wellness trainers, exercise physiologists, and rehab services via WakeMed hospital. Technology also plays an innovative role.

“We integrate mobile apps and wearables to track the activities and wellness of senior adults and enhance their well-being cohesively,” she says. “It also helps with connecting with family and friends, making them feel enriched and happy.” Residents’ tech perks are customizable, she explains, tailoring the community’s Optimal Living program to meet…


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