Another DAO looks to buy the US Constitution again: History…

Another DAO looks to buy the US Constitution again: History…


To Sotheby’s stated they would be auctioning off an original copy of the American Constitution, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) called “UnumDAO’ (also referred to as ‘ConstitutionDAO2’) tried to buy it.

What happened: In Nov 2021, ConstitutionDAOa group of crypto enthusiasts, managed to raise $47 million in seven days to buy a version of the Constitution sold at Sotheby’s.

The older DAO group clarified that it is not affiliated with the new group and said it would not attempt another crowdfunding campaign this time.

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The purpose of ConstitutionDAO2 is to initiate a collection of civic artifacts that will be managed entirely by the public, according to a tweet.

So far it has acquired 27.8 ether ETH/USD (approx. $34,000) from 120 wallets through public donations.

The upcoming auction will be conducted live at Sotheby’s auction house in New York City on December 13th.

If the new DAO wins in the end, it will use the NFT to manage the governance of the artifacts. Users can choose from four different NFT levels: 0.1 ETH ($122) for “Citizen”, 1 ETH ($1,220) for “Representative”, 10 ETH ($12,220) for “Senator” and 100 ETH ($122,000 ) for executive. ‘.

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