Hulk Hogan talks about cannabis and will launch his own brand: At the age of 69 “I…”

Hulk Hogan talks about cannabis and will launch his own brand: At the age of 69 “I…”


In the theatrical realm of professional wrestling, where physical prowess is celebrated and tenacity rewarded, there has often been a titan who has sailed high on the waves of fame and respect: Terry Eugene Bollea, better known to the world as Hulk Hogan. However, his journey to and within stardom wasn’t just about executing suplexes and legdrops; It was also a test of resilience in the face of unrelenting physical hardship.

“Other than the fame and the roaring crowd, there’s a stark reality,” Hogan admitted during the event TMZ sports television show. “I didn’t get the memo that this stuff was ‘fake.’

Those words reflect a reality often glossed over by the glamor of the wrestling world. Indeed, behind the fanfare lies a punitive reality: countless injuries and 28 grueling surgeries over the past decade. But like the Greek heroes of old, Hogan faced these trials head on and his spirit was unbroken.

Hogan’s little secret

“I had ten operations on my back, kidneys and two hips. It’s a situation where you get hurt all the time out there,” admits Hogan. Despite these daunting challenges, his determination never faltered. In fact, he shares, “I feel better than I ever have at 69. I feel like I’m 25 again.”

So what’s the secret behind Hogan’s resurgence of health and vitality? The answer lies in two therapeutic compounds found in cannabis: THC and CBD.

These connections have become Hogan’s new allies on his journey to health and wellness. Prior to this transformation, Hogan waged an unrelenting war on chronic pain. His comfort, albeit temporary and inadequate, came in the form of prescribed drugs like Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve. However, these proved to be ineffective in the long run, leaving Hogan looking for more lasting relief.

“CBD and THC have really changed my sleep, the inflammation, and the way my wrists and joints hurt. Overall, it’s helped my health,” Hogan reveals. This turning point marked a pivotal shift in Hogan’s wellness journey. NO…


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