It’s never too late to move to Italy

It’s never too late to move to Italy


Italy has always been proclaimed as the ideal place to live “la bella vita”, the good life in Italian. There are many undeniable and established facts that prove that the quality of life in this Mediterranean country can be the reason rate Italy as your next home. For example, Italian products are considered some of the best in the world, mainly because of the many statutory regulations, certifications and quality marks. Food, weather and its culture and history don’t even need a presentation. Are we missing something? Oh yes, the people, the art, the good quality of transport and a very good health system.

Are you interested in living in Italy as an expat? you need to know How do I get a mortgage from an Italian bank? buy your house there? Do you need up-to-date relocation advice? Of course, it highly depends on the city you choose. Italy is a small country in terms of size but not in terms of diversification. Each year Il Sole 24 ore, the most influential newspaper in the fields of business, finance and politics, collects and compares extensive data to create a list of the best provinces in Italy based on quality of life. And in the 2022 edition, three of the cities we’ll be talking about in this article made the top ten: Bologna be number one Florence always to number three, and Milan positioned in eighth place.

Why do people move to Italy?

This answer was partially answered above, but the change of air that comes with moving to Italy still needs to be considered. Landing in a big city doesn’t mean living in a big and chaotic metropolis. Let’s take Bologna and Florence again, the former has about 390,500 inhabitants while the latter has 367,800 inhabitants. As you can see we are not talking about big numbers, they are still prominent centers in the country. Milan, on the other hand, is a large city that is conceptually closer to other European cities,…


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