Storm Fitness owner Sahar “Storm” Durant breaks fitness…

Storm Fitness owner Sahar “Storm” Durant breaks fitness…


Sahar “Storm” Durant has been recognized as an exercise psychologist, holistic trainer and business owner of Storm Fitness, the popular women’s gym in Dearborn, Michigan. Their focus is on providing an individualized training model that goes beyond the scope of physical results. Storm aims to give her clients the boost they need to succeed in life by providing the tools needed to harness their inner motivation through behavior change. This recognition is in part a result of Durant’s work in the health and fitness space, particularly her work to provide women with the opportunity to improve all aspects of their lives through structured and progressive programs that inspire cumulative improvement and lifestyle optimization.

Durant, a native of Dearborn, has been in the health and fitness world for 13 years. Storm began as she saw her own personal growth and mental toughness grow through fitness. She claims that mental toughness is earned and not given. When asked about the driving force behind her success, Durant explained how it really boiled down to her passion: “Despite all the setbacks I’ve had in my career, I wouldn’t want to do anything else. I feel like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m very in tune with myself and I’ve been very attracted to my career. It is the way for me”.

Regarding the recognition, Durant is quoted as saying, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it’s the courage to keep going that counts.”

In a recent one-on-one interview, Durant recalled other past accomplishments that helped bring momentum to the present. She was particularly proud of following her passion, although everyone doubted that she would succeed in this niche. Storm was in the fitness business before social media and before the fitness “hype.” When Storm started…


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