Trump touts pro-life stance as he backs away from national abortion…

Trump touts pro-life stance as he backs away from national abortion…


On the heels of Friday Supreme Court decision To protect the abortion pill mifepristone, Donald Trump on Saturday reminded supporters in Iowa of his efforts to limit abortion, citing his appointment of three anti-life judges to the court, all of whom helped overthrow Roe v. Wade had voted.

“These judges won a landmark victory for the protection of innocent lives. Nobody thought it was going to happen,” Trump said of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett in a video address to the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, Politico reported.

“Together, we have accomplished more for our values ​​than any other administration in the history of our country, and it’s not even close,” Trump said, adding that he had taken “historic steps to protect the unborn.”

Pro-life group blasts Trump

On Thursday, Trump came under fire from the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America organization for saying abortion is “an issue that should be decided at the state level” and not a national ban. The organization has said it would not support any White House candidate who does not support a 15-week federal ban on abortion.

“The Supreme Court made it clear in its decision that it is returning the matter to the people to decide through their elected representatives in the states and in Congress,” said group President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a press release. “To hold on to the position that it is exclusively a matter for the states is a denial of responsibility by anyone who is elected to a federal office.”

Where does the former press stand on abortion?

Based on his recent comments about leaving the contentious issue to states, it looks like Trump is likely to view a federal abortion ban as a sensitive issue that could cost him votes. After all, three in five Americans say they believe abortion should be legal in most cases, according to a January 2023 NPR/Ipso poll. A Gallup poll reflected a similar sentiment.

Meanwhile, the fight for abortion rights “has catapulted to the center…


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